Monday, July 26, 2010

day thirteen & fourteen

I have great news! I'm just 1 1/2 days away from being finished with Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet. 13 days ago, I honestly didn't think I was going to make it. However, I am pleased to report that I've lost roughly 9 pounds which is equal to one roll of the muffin top. {I would have a more precise weigh in but we have no device with which to weigh in. Thank heaven.} 

Thanks goes to Jen and Chris for their excellent coaching, encouragement and introduction to a perfectly decadent yet legal chocolate fix. You have no idea how much I appreciate it!! I made it through the ultimate test... Pioneer Day party at Grandma's house. I even sat at the table with corn on the cob (illegal), potato salad (illegal which I helped make), fruit (illegal, which I helped cut) etc. AND THEN... I fed Jack his homemade ice cream and brownie. Without eating it. Are you impressed? I'm still stunned. That said, tomorrow I get to start back with 1 fruit & 1 carb each day. YEA! I think I'll make it yet!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Back on track

I have started working out again today thanks to our elliptical and P90X (a sweat box of workouts). I did the machine for an our thanks to Nara's amazing sleeping habits. Here's to healthy eating too. I am going to try to cut down processed sugars by a little bit and go with the all natural type like my delicious grapes that we got from BB. I have two weeks before my measuring day (Once a month I measure myself, arms, legs, waist, weight, calves, in hopes to see improvement, I even chart and graph it in excel to keep it a closet obsession). The last MD was in May. I hope for some improvement. I have really missed working out since I had my surgery. I crave the rush of endorphins, the breathlessness, and the sweat that comes with working out. I know...I'm with it! :) I figure, if I sweat then I am working hard. So here is to the sweat and healthy living. Let's make time everyday to do something, whether it be simple or complex, Boothe family, let's get moving!

There's a lot of blood, sweat, and guts between dreams and success.
Paul "Bear" Bryant

Saturday, July 17, 2010

look what I found

Sometimes the best way to lose weight is to just not eat at all. Nothing is safe. :)

Read this article to find out.

Friday, July 16, 2010

my mini coach

Turns out Jack is quite the workout buddy. This morning, while I did my 100 crunches {center & sides}, he laid down on my tummy and had fun playing with my hair. Leg lifts & pilates leg moves? Jack thought it would be fun to add extra weight and go for a ride. :) My favorite though, I've started *benching* him twice a day, 10 reps to start. Pretty good so far... 30 pounds of wiggly weight... feel the burn!

On a side note... we went to winco today for their grind-it-yourself peanut butter. No sugar. No salt. Perfect for phase one of South Beach! Only 4 days down, 10 to go before we get to add in moderate fruit and whole grain!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Helpful websites...

I found a couple of websites that I got really excited about! On the livestrong website you can add your recipes and it will calculate the nutritional information. The other one will help you calculate the number of calories, fat, sodium, sugar etc. you are consuming. I found this to be very interesting!! Let me know what you think!


my turn

Well, I started a new way of eating on Tuesday to healthify myself and so far so mostly good. Except... I am starving! After our sugar-fest that is cabin week, I'm going through some pretty mean withdrawals. :) John and I started the South Beach diet to kick start our weight loss {on Jen & Chris' recommendation when they heard we wanted to get healthy} which is turning out to be a little tougher than we thought. Jen has been a super coach though... thanks sistah! I think it might be a little strange to keep a log of what I am eating all the time, but I figure it can help a few others in our family too {yes, I'm talking to you, Dad}. Plus, I post this so my coach can help me out. Here we go:

breakfast: 1 egg w/mushroom and tomato
snack: 2 celery sticks
lunch: lettuce wrap w/lunch meat & cheese
snack: 10 almonds
dinner: garlic chicken, string bean & mushroom stir fry with spinach salad (avocado, cheese, vinegar & dill)

What do you think Jen? How did I do? (this is actually from a couple of days ago, but I just wanted to see what you think.)

So, what are y'all doing to healthify?? Your turn.